Salone Satellite
It‘s a collection of five products for the visually impaired , presented in 2008 at the Salone Satellite . Observing the products available to the visually impaired we realized that were functional but lacked emotional significance. Our collection is designed not only to perform functions without the use of sight , but it involves the aesthetics of all the senses . A new approach to the current landscape of objects for the blind that count on touch and hearing to replace visual interfaces, but appears to be absent in what we call the pleasure and emotion of using an object.
Scented time
Scented time is a clock for the blind, which marks the time through smell. Each candle has a different smell and has a duration of twenty minutes. When the candle goes out, releases a more intense flavor so that you know when 20 minutes have gone. Candles can be arranged according to personal taste, as you can recognize the different aromas even when not lit. In this way you can "draw" your own personal time through smell: an hour is no longer formed by 60 minutes, but is composed of three different scents. Smell is the most ancestral of our senses; smells are linked to our memories and emotions that accompany them; perceiving a smell means reliving an emotion. The piece that holds the candles is lava stone that creates a poetic connection between the melted wax and the material created by the lava. The candle holder is formed by 3 pieces of lava stone, cut from a sheet of 20mm thickness with a water-jet machine
Autunno is a carpet filled with special material: by walking on it, allows you to hear the sound of leaves. Marble and wooden floors in our home create silence; our steps play on a carpet of leaves, as in a small forest where every step creaks unlike the previous one. The curiosity of hearing, guides our steps to familiar surroundings and to unknown places.
Diapason translates sunlight into a musical and deep sound, thanks to a solar panel and an electromagnetic device. A sunny day or an overcast sky can change our mood. Wake up and listen to the light filtering through the window: it will be a beautiful day! Walk outside, meet someone, be wrapped in the warmth of the sun rays, the thrill of the sound of the light is not in the information received, but it's the surprise of discovery.
Soap Opera
The artwork stir our emotions through visual references and suggestions. In the case of Soap Opera instead, the picture enters into a relationship with you through the dermal and olfactory contact, overcoming the distance imposed by the sight. In fact, you can moisten the hand touching the earthenware container located behind the raised corner of the frame, then you can caress the framework. The soap will begin to release its scent and will be consumed: with time you will pass from a first layer "fragrant" of soap and perfume, to a second layer more "tactile" made of soap and flowers; the story ends in a layer of earth simulated by raw clay. Soap Opera therefore needs the ''observer" to continue to live and to tell its story with a backward path that goes from the scent, to the flowers, to the earth ... a story told through touch and smell. "Sometimes the eye can barely touch, while the hand possesses what it touch; the eye can record in the pupil what he sees, but the hand can imprint in the heart what it touches."
An invitation to look inside the mirror, beyond the reflected image and the appearances. Looking inside the split on the first layer of the mirror, you will go into more depth to watch into the second layer, where is placed another mirror: in this way, the attention will be focused only on the eyes, looking inside yourself, and not at the superficial appearance. "Consider blindness as a model, a way to look into things and people and also to see from within people and things."